onsdag 28 februari 2007

Benjamin 9 months

Benjamin has now turned 9 months! He is a big boy now and for you Trisha who has seen him, he looks a lot different now. Maybe time for a new Sweden-vacation?!

He weighs around 8 kilos and is about 68-70 centimetres long. He can sit on his own on the floor and plays with his toys, "talks" and is pretty satisfied with life right now. Or rather, makes noice with his toys. He loves everything that makes a noice. He wants to chew on everything he can get his hands on.

He can't crawl yet but that doesn't mean mummy and daddy is safe. He has his own way of getting around and we have to watch him all the time right now so he won't "run away". He is trying to stand up, using the furniture as support *gaaaaahhhh* *help*. All I can see in front of me is his poor little head being filled with bumps from him falling and hurting himself *gaaaah*. Overprotective? Me? No way *smiling*.

He can now say mum, dad, look, eat and hi. It sounds so sweet when he says mumumumumum, but not in the middle of the night......

He hasn't got any teeth yet, but I don't really mind as I'm still breastfeeding once a day *smiling*. That is our little special "cosy-moment" just before his bedtime.

He is a happy little baby, smiling a lot, making funny faces and he loves when both mummy and daddy are home at the same time.

That's a little update on what is going on in Benjamin's life. You can find pictures futher down in the blog.

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